Before I Won E-kniha

Before I Won E-kniha - titul je dostupný na okamžité stiahnutie

Táto e-kniha je dostupná vo formátoch: EPUB - Social DRM MOBI - Social DRM

Tomas Veres

I come from the poor family, living in the richest countries in the world. I grew up in one of the poorest neighborhood, one of the most expensive cities worldwide. Without any money. Without a great education. Without a perfect family. Without...

Naša cena: 9,35 € UNIKLUB: 9,07 € (ušetríte: 3%)


Tento produkt je elektronická kniha (e-kniha). Po jej objednaní a zaplatení Vám bude umožnené stiahnutie knihy. E-knihu je možné čítať na čítačkách e-kníh, v počítačoch alebo na tablete. Za e-knihy je možné platiť iba bezhotovostne - internet bankingom alebo kartou.

O knihe

I come from the poor family, living in the richest countries in the world. I grew up in one of the poorest neighborhood, one of the most expensive cities worldwide. Without any money. Without a great education. Without a perfect family. Without friends. Without future. In my family nobody ever reached anything, nobody ever meant anything. I joined them. I hated myself, I hated my life. People around me owned perfect cars, worked in perfect jobs and lived a perfect life. And me? I was only surviving. I fought the world around me, I fought the world inside me. Whole my life was worth a shit. Fails, depressions, issues only... A couple of years later, everything has changed. Whole my life changed. Money, success, love, happiness... How, or why? I discovered my real myself and what I am extraordinary in.

EAN: 9788097311513
ISBN: 978-80-973115-1-3
Vydavateľstvo: Tomáš Vereš
Autori: Tomas Veres
Počet strán: 138
Jazyk: Anglický
Formát: E-kniha

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