Women of the wild garden E-kniha
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Women of the wild garden E-kniha - titul je dostupný na okamžité stiahnutie

they were part of a grander plan and have a right place in the Genealogy of Jesus

Táto e-kniha je dostupná vo formátoch: EPUB - Social DRM MOBI - Social DRM

Zuzana Vaľovská

Book full of exceptional women. Many avoid them, another don´t even know about their existence. How can disobedience, jeaolusy, affectation, preference to one of the children, prostitution, rules overrun, cheating on husband and murder save a...

Naša cena: 11,00 € UNIKLUB: 10,67 € (ušetríte: 3%)

Tento produkt je elektronická kniha (e-kniha). Po jej objednaní a zaplatení Vám bude umožnené stiahnutie knihy. E-knihu je možné čítať na čítačkách e-kníh, v počítačoch alebo na tablete. Za e-knihy je možné platiť iba bezhotovostne - internet bankingom alebo kartou.

O knihe

Book full of exceptional women. Many avoid them, another don´t even know about their existence. How can disobedience, jeaolusy, affectation, preference to one of the children, prostitution, rules overrun, cheating on husband and murder save a human? Do you think that Bible has nothig to say to you? Dare to risk? This book will help you find out, how precious you are. And that despite failures and mistakes in your past, there is Somebody who counts with you.

EAN: 9788097288655
ISBN: 978-80-972886-5-5
Vydavateľstvo: Zuzana Vaľovská
Autori: Zuzana Vaľovská
Počet strán: 197
Jazyk: Anglický
Formát: E-kniha

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